Welcome and introductions (video here)

MdlR gave an overview to the purpose of the meeting. This is a tester session aiming to give more time to allow a more in depth exploration of some of the projects and updates that have been shared, at the Justice and Innovation Group in particular. The session will focus on how this information and learning can be implemented into our work, and what additional resources we might need to do that. If the content and the format are useful, the Network will look to do more similar sessions. MdlR reiterated the role of the Network for Justice to link the community with knowledge and expertise that can improve their work, and to bring together learning to understand more about the issues, and solutions with a focus on areas of interest as defined or highlighted by the community.

An Overview of Health Justice Partnerships (video here)

Our focus today is on Health Justice Partnerships. As with our last ILS, this is not a new topic of discussion between advice colleagues, with the research of the link between Health and Justice being consistently researched and demonstrated over the last twenty years at least. And yet, it’s a topic we keep returning to, whether it forms the basis of a conversation about our users, and the inequalities they face, or we’re talking about service delivery where partnerships are still being “piloted” as new initiatives.

Today our focus will be on the partnerships themselves, what the key criteria for success are, and what makes them challenging, and we’ll explore why we’re still discussing scaling this evidently effective solution after almost a decade of dedicated work.

MdlR welcomed Professor Dame Hazel Genn to give an overview of Health Justice Partnerships.

Variety of models and history of HJPs

The Impact of Health Justice Partnerships on end users and Infrastructure